
bullies that haunt me.

 Bullies that haunt me: So hello everyone, thank you for investing your precious time. I hope you can understand the deep pain in the tragedy of my life. To begin my story: back in my high school days, I used to be a frail and weak kid, yet I was energetic and lively. This trait is something I cherish about myself, but my bullies despised it. To this day, it's painfully unclear to me why the fuck those motherfuckers hated me so intensely. It's not like I fucked their sister or someone close to them. But for some twisted reason, those pieces of shit, sons of whores, made it their mission to beat the shit out of me almost every single day in high school. And there was little to nothing I could do about it. I once mustered the courage to complain about this to my high school teacher, but I think that heartless person was just there to collect his paycheck. Instead of punishing those bastards, he had the audacity to say it was somehow my fault for provoking them. To this day, I reg